1/31/2023 6:08:08 PM Price Increases -- Simply Not "Egg"citing By Mark Sanders No matter what area of hospitality related law you may practice, your clients are likely being impacted by the sky rocketing prices of...
1/30/2023 12:00:00 PM Does Biology Prompt Teens to Ignore Parents? By Taylor English Every parent knows that young teenagers start ignoring most of what we say. It’s part of normal child development, and child...
1/30/2023 12:00:00 AM "Why Are Foster Kids Sleeping in Offices?," The American Enterprise Institute By Taylor English On Monday, January 30, partner Tom Rawlings joined a panel discussion hosted by The American Enterprise Institute (AEI) on, ""Why Are...
1/28/2023 12:00:00 PM School Administrators Partially Vindicated By Taylor English A judge dismissed child abuse charges against two California administrators, although they both still face charges of failing to report...
1/27/2023 9:44:30 PM Supply Chain Legal Aspects for Manufacturing Contracts and Agreements By Taylor English As we continue to navigate in a post-pandemic world, many supply chain issues have only continued to prevail. The manufacturing industry...
1/26/2023 3:34:42 PM Conversations with TED: Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs) By Mike Ruggio On this episode of Conversations with TED, I discuss the growing importance of Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs). I share how...
1/26/2023 1:08:45 PM The Plight of Kids Who Age Out of Foster Care By Taylor English A group that I mentor with, Connections Homes, was in the news last week, and my husband and I were part of the interviews (for about 15...
1/26/2023 1:05:06 PM Why Employer's Should Embrace Pay Transparency Laws By Taylor English A recent article by YahooFinance Senior Columnist, Kerry Hannon, notes that "[t]he biggest shortcoming so far of new state salary...
1/26/2023 12:00:00 PM Kids' Privacy, "Dark Patterns" Produce $527M Fine Against Fortnite Game Publisher By Mitzi Hill The FTC in December fined EPIC games, maker of the ubiquitous Fortnite, more than half a billion dollars for deceptive practices relating...
1/25/2023 8:45:44 PM Taylor English Duma LLP Admits Binford “Bin” Minter to Partnership By Taylor English Atlanta, Ga. (January 25, 2023) – Taylor English Duma LLP is pleased to announce that Binford “Bin” Minter has joined the Taylor English...
1/24/2023 12:00:00 PM Password Keeper LastPass Hit with Data Breach By Mitzi Hill LastPass, the cloud storage system for passwords, suffered a breach in late 2022 that has caused ripples in the security world. Some...
1/23/2023 12:00:01 PM When Does Use of a Legal Drug Warrant a Finding of Abuse or Neglect? By Taylor English A story from Arizona illustrates a common conundrum for people who serve young people -- when use of a legal drug warrants a child abuse...