11/29/2017 12:00:00 AM Caught in the middle: US sellers in Europe By Micheline Johnson To read my article titled: "Caught in the middle: US sellers in Europe," click here.
11/28/2017 12:00:00 AM Increase in Sexual Discrimination, Harassment, and Assault Claims By Taylor English The current media attention being directed towards recent allegations (and in some cases admissions) of sexual discrimination,...
11/21/2017 12:00:00 AM Buildup of Alternative Fee Deals Doesn't Pan Out, Midsize Firm Leaders Say By Taylor English The Daily Report mentioned Mike Trotter in an article regarding alternative fee arrangements. In the article, several lawyers give their...
11/17/2017 12:00:00 AM "Cyber Risk Management through Vendor Contracts" Institute of Continuing Legal Education By Taylor English On Friday, November 17, 2017, Mitzi Hill spoke on "Cyber Risk Management through Vendor Contracts" at the Institute of Continuing Legal...
11/15/2017 4:25:00 PM "Workplace Law in the New Administration," National Association of Women Lawyers - General Counsel Institute By Taylor English In November 2017, Yusuf Mohamed served as a panelist for the National Association of Women Lawyers - General Counsel Institute in...
11/13/2017 12:00:00 AM Book Review: Why Professor Susskind is Wrong By Taylor English Michael H. Trotter’sLaw Society Gazette. Mr. Trotter challenges standing viewpoints on the legal profession’s future. To read the full...
11/9/2017 12:00:00 AM "Atlanta Retail, Mixed-Use, & Entertainment," BisNow By Taylor English Christina Moore moderated BisNow’s “Retail, Mixed-Use, and Entertainment” retail panel on November 9, 2017, at "The Future of Atlanta...
11/8/2017 12:00:00 AM How Shifting Laws on Tip-Pooling Could Affect Hotels By Taylor English In an article published by Hotel News Now, Partner Alisa P. Cleek was mentioned for her advice regarding tip-pooling at restaurants on...
11/7/2017 12:00:00 AM Trump’s Tweets Stymie Trans Military Ban In Lower Courts By Taylor English Bryan F. Jacoutot’s article, “Trump’s Tweets Stymie Trans Military Ban In Lower Courts” published by Law360, covered the status of the...
11/3/2017 12:00:00 AM Sensei Lawyer Teaches Calm in the Dojo, Remains Calm During Deal By Taylor English As mentioned in an article and video published by the Daily Report on November 1, 2017, Mark Moeller celebrated the 30th anniversary of...
11/3/2017 12:00:00 AM "Obirin Student Lecture," Japan-America Society of Georgia By Taylor English On November 3, 2017, Masae Okura spoke at the Japan-America Society of Georgia’s event at Georgia Tech’s Scheller College of Business...
11/3/2017 12:00:00 AM "Business Ethics and Corporate Values," 2017 Young Leaders of the Americas Initiative Professional Fellows Program By Taylor English On November 3, 2017, Deitra Crawley served as the keynote speaker on Business Ethics and Corporate Values at the 2017 Young Leaders of...