4/24/2024 2:33:21 PM Main Text of the FTC's New Rule Banning Restrictive Covenants Quoted Here By Michael Cicero Below is the final text of 16 C.F.R. § 910.2, as it will be published by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) in the Federal Register. Such...
8/9/2023 2:30:17 PM Pickle Packer Trade Secret Lawsuit Illustrates Importance of Trade Secret Protections By Taylor English A recent case filed by Grillo's Pickles provides an excellent example of the importance of manufacturers taking concrete steps to protect...
8/8/2023 8:34:12 PM Starbucks Trade Secret Case Decision Serves Up Timely Reminder About Statutes of Limitation By Michael Cicero In a July 26 decision, the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Washington dismissed a highly-publicized trade secret...
9/23/2022 9:43:31 PM Trade Secrets: the Increasingly Valuable IP That Many Manufacturers Forget About By Taylor English Many people know, or at least have heard of, the main types of intellectual property: patents, trademarks, and copyrights. Often...