9/23/2024 10:15:53 AM SC High Court Invalidates School Voucher Program By Taylor English The South Carolina Supreme Court has decided in a 3-2 opinion that a program allowing parents to use public funds to pay for private...
9/11/2024 11:00:19 AM Another Abuse Claim Shows Familiar Pattern of Predatory Grooming By Taylor English A claim of sexual abuse against a Minnesota teacher details a common pattern of predatory grooming. There’s no way to know at this point...
8/31/2024 10:30:18 AM Courts Continue to Rule Against US DOE By Taylor English Another federal court, this one in Texas, has ruled that the U.S. Department of Education cannot enforce its most recent Title IX...
8/15/2024 10:00:05 AM Avoiding Buyer's Remorse With AI Tools By Mitzi Hill Attached is a story about how AI grading tools exposed school districts in California to embarrassing failures (including giving students...
8/14/2024 10:45:00 AM Federal Court: Treating Misgendering as Bullying Does Not Violate Students’ Free Speech By Taylor English The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit recently considered a school's anti-bullying policy that prohibits “discriminatory...
8/12/2024 10:35:00 AM Lessons from a Fired Teacher By Taylor English A case from the New Jersey Supreme Court has some important lessons for youth organizations. The immediate issue involved defamation...
8/10/2024 9:45:00 AM Another Court Enjoins Title IX Regulations By Taylor English A Missouri district court has issued an injunction preventing enforcement of the most recent U.S. Department of Education regulations...
8/5/2024 10:30:13 AM Going Retro with One-Room Schoolhouses By Taylor English A new trend that I had missed is the rise in “microschools,” or schools with one teacher and fewer than 30 students. Essentially, these...
7/29/2024 10:05:54 AM Louisiana Mandated Reporters: Do Not Report to Supervisors First By Taylor English The Louisiana Attorney General recently issued an opinion that school rules requiring mandated reporters to come to supervisors first...
7/17/2024 10:15:43 AM District Courts Enjoin Title IX Interpretation By Taylor English A district court judge in Mississippi has enjoined the federal government's interpretation of “sex” in Title IX as including “gender...
7/13/2024 10:15:08 AM Students Continue to Lose Ground After Pandemic Restrictions By Taylor English The Annie E. Casey Foundation recently released its 2024 “Kids Count Data Book,” reviewing data from the National Assessment of...
7/10/2024 10:00:59 AM Classroom Discipline Matters By Taylor English A study from Japan and Macau found that classroom discipline and the quality of teachers have a greater impact on student success than...