3/27/2024 9:45:30 AM Mandated Reporters, Never Ignore Even a Halfway Disclosure from a Child By Taylor English Police have charged a New Jersey assistant principal (AP) with multiple charges related to failure to make a mandated report. In...
2/8/2024 7:24:47 PM Webinar about Mandated Reporting By Taylor English My colleague, Tom Rawlings, and I will be presenting a webinar about mandated reporting on February 27 for The Knowledge Group. We have...
2/7/2024 10:58:32 AM Clergy, Check Your Privilege about Mandated Reporting By Taylor English Police in Pennsylvania recently charged a member of the clergy with failure to make a mandated report. According to police, he learned of...
10/25/2023 10:21:14 AM Mandated Reporters Can’t Wait for Internal Investigations By Taylor English Police have charged a principal in Missouri for failure to report alleged sexual activity between students in the school. The students...
10/8/2022 1:00:00 PM A Disclosure You Don't Believe Is Still a Mandated Report By Taylor English What happens if a child comes to you with a disclosure of abuse that you have trouble believing, either because the disclosure doesn't...