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Taylor English Duma LLP introduces Andrew Hutchinson as Partner

ATLANTA (June 5, 2024) – Taylor English Duma LLP announced today that Andrew Hutchinson has joined the firm. Based out of Chicago, Hutchinson joins the firm's Corporate Practice Group as a partner. 

“We are pleased to announce the addition of Andrew Hutchinson as a partner,” states Joe English, partner at Taylor English. “His arrival enhances our commitment to delivering exceptional value to our clients and expanding our presence across the United States."

Andrew Hutchinson has broad commercial finance experience with a focus on complex domestic and cross-border acquisition financings, mergers, recapitalizations, refinancings, take-privates, and restructurings. He provides clients with pragmatic advice in connection with structuring and negotiating middle-market unitranche and senior stretch facilities, recurring revenue facilities, growth debt facilities, first lien/second lien facilities, and subordinated loans. Andrew handles a range of transaction sizes, with a focus on middle-market executions. He attended the Georgetown University Law Center, where he received his juris doctor in 2005. 

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attorney, new hire, news, corporate, corporate and business, careers, hutchinson_andrew