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Insights Insights
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Virginia's Data Privacy Law: What Businesses Need to Know

Like other state’s privacy laws, Virginia's Consumer Data Protection Act (VCDPA) gives Virginia residents control over their personal data. Key elements of the Act are:

  • Virginians can access, correct, delete data, and opt-out of its sale or profiling. They can also opt-in for sensitive data processing; Virginia was one of the first states to require any opt-in measures.
  • Unlike California’s privacy law, Virginia requires express consent to process sensitive data like mental or physical health diagnoses, racial origin, or religious beliefs.
  • Non-compliance can lead to lawsuits and fines up to $7,500.

Why It Matters

The VCDPA is one of many evolving data privacy laws creating a patchwork of regulation across the US. This law along with the other state laws have direct impact on your company’s data policies and customer interactions.

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