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Insights Insights
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Reposted from t|e General Counsel - Insights

How the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People Can Help Lawyers Improve Their Services

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, a book written by Stephen R. Covey, has been one of the most influential self-help books for professionals. These habits not only apply to personal development but can also be applied to the professional sphere. This is especially true for professional service providers, such as lawyers, who can benefit from these habits to improve their careers and provide better services to their clients.

So what are the seven habits of these ever-so-successful individuals?

Be Proactive

Being proactive means taking responsibility for your own life and career. As a lawyer, being proactive means taking initiative and not waiting for someone else to solve a problem. This habit can help lawyers to become more efficient, confident, and focused on their goals.

Begin with the End in Mind

Beginning with the end in mind means setting goals and having a clear vision of what you want to achieve. For lawyers, this habit can help them to set realistic and achievable goals, create a strategic plan and prioritize their work to achieve their objectives.

Put First Things First

Putting first things first means prioritizing important tasks over urgent ones. This habit can help lawyers to avoid distractions, manage their time more effectively, and focus on the most critical work that needs to be done.

Think Win-Win

Thinking win-win means finding solutions that benefit all parties involved. This habit can help lawyers to build better relationships with clients, colleagues, and other stakeholders. Lawyers who apply this habit can create a positive reputation and build trust with their clients.

Seek First to Understand, Then to be Understood

Seeking first to understand, then to be understood means listening actively to other people's perspectives and being empathetic to their needs. This habit can help lawyers to build better relationships with clients, understand their client's needs and concerns, and provide better services that are tailored to their client's needs.


Synergizing means working in a collaborative and creative way to achieve a common goal. This habit can help lawyers to build better relationships with colleagues, work more effectively as a team, and create innovative solutions to complex legal problems.

Sharpen the Saw

Sharpening the saw means investing in personal and professional development. This habit can help lawyers to stay updated with legal developments, enhance their skills and knowledge, and improve their overall performance.

Applying these habits in the life of a professional service provider such as a lawyer can make a significant difference in their career. By being proactive, setting goals, prioritizing tasks, building better relationships, collaborating with colleagues, and investing in personal and professional development, lawyers can provide better services to their clients, achieve their goals and enhance their reputation. Applying these habits can help lawyers to become highly effective professionals who make a difference in their clients' lives.


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