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Best Practices in Navigating Remote Work: 2022 Staffing World Conference

We are looking forward to presenting with Sharon Davis, an occupational safety manager with Elwood Staffing Services, at the American Staffing Association (ASA) 2022 Staffing World Conference panel discussion titled "Best Practices in Navigating Remote Work" on Wednesday, October 26, from 4:15 - 5 p.m. PT.

As we prepare to address how the industry continues its journey through COVID-era regulations and staying compliant, we conducted a survey with ASA's client company members to understand the positives and negatives that came about during the pandemic. Below is a sampling from anonymous survey responses. We will share more information during our presentation at Staffing World.

Did some of your temporary workers pivot to remote work? If so, what was your biggest legal concern regarding the remote workers? Please check all that apply:

ASA Client Company Member Reponses:

  • Temporary workers losing, damaging, stealing, or failing to return equipment provided by your company, or your client.
  • Getting accurate/non-fraudulent timesheets, temporary workers losing, damaging, stealing, or failing to return equipment provided by your company, or your client.

Was there a particular legal issue that surprised you? If so, what?

ASA Client Company Member Reponses:

  • Different (higher) minimum wage for work from home people.
  • Time tracking relies entirely on the worker submitting accurately.

Looking back, what was the most difficult issue that you confronted adjusting to a post COVID work force?

ASA Client Company Member Reponses:

  • Helping clients understand it's more about the work being done, not how many hours that person is sitting in their office.
  • Going into the unknown at one of the most complex times in global history.

What does your organization do differently now than before COVID?

ASA Client Company Member Reponses:

  • A large percentage of temporary employees and entire internal staff work remotely or hybrid, and will for the foreseeable future.
  • Our internal staff work remotely more and more of the hiring process is performed remotely.


asa, staffing world, presentations, wilder_robbin, whitehead_steven, employment counseling