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U.S. Visas for Students and Researchers

Masae Okura's book, "U.S. Visas for Students and Researchers," is an immigration manual for students and scholars who want to study in the United States. The immigration handbook is geared towards students who need new documents such as a visa to study abroad or embassy interview notes. Ms. Okura also explains legal immigration laws in the U.S. for students studying abroad.

U.S. Visas for Students and Researchers, the American Visas Complete Manual, can be purchased on Amazon and on Yodasha in Japanese.

Ms. Okura’s legal practice is focused on immigration, employment and general corporate business matters. She advises on business and family sponsored immigrant petitions, nonimmigrant visa programs, naturalization, work and travel permit as well as various immigration matters in several countries. Ms. Okura is a regular speaker on Sakura Radio, an internet based Japanese radio program.


immigration, employment counseling, insights, okura_masae