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As Georgia Reopens Nail and Hair Salons, Lawyers Say Companies May be Putting Themselves at Risk

In an article published by Yahoo! Life on April 24, Mitzi Hill discusses Georgia Governor Brian Kemp’s executive order rolling out a plan to reopen the state beginning Friday, April 24.

While the guidelines are extensive, some lawyers are concerned that reopening may still put businesses at risk of lawsuits.

“Even if companies take these precautions, it may not necessarily be enough to protect them in the event that COVID-19 spreads through their establishment,” says Ms. Hill, adding that, “Following the guidelines would be a ‘start of a great defense,’ but given how many questions remain about the virus’ spread, it’s not necessarily foolproof.”

Ms. Hill explained that businesses should consult their insurance agents before deciding to reopen in order to see what risk they may be taking on.

Following the guidelines would be a “start of a great defense,” she says, but given how many questions remain about the virus’ spread, it’s not necessarily foolproof.


covid-19, hill_mitzi, insights