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Breaking News regarding NCAA NIL policy

The NCAA DI Council has voted to adopt interim NIL policy that would allow college athletes to make money off their names, images and likenesses as soon as this Thursday, when various state laws are set to take effect, and even in states that have not passed laws.

"College athletes can engage in NIL activities that are consistent with the law of the state where the school is located. Colleges and universities are responsible for determining whether those activities are consistent with state law. Student-athletes who attend a school in a state without a NIL law can engage in this type of activity without violating NCAA rules related to name, image and likeness. College athletes can use a professional services provider for NIL activities. Student-athletes should report NIL activities consistent with state law or school and conference requirements to their school.”

Schools and conferences can also adopt their own policies. The recommendation now heads to the Board of Governors who will meet on Wednesday.

Under the approach that the Division I Council, a powerful group that includes conference commissioners and athletic directors, supported on Monday, students nationwide will generally not face N.C.A.A. repercussions for profiting off their names, images or likenesses. Especially in states without laws or executive orders on the subject, schools will be expected to set policies around matters like whether students may wear a university’s logo in an advertisement. As in the past, universities will not be allowed to pay players salaries, and athletes will not be permitted to accept money from anyone in exchanging for enrolling at one school instead of another.