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Seeding the cloud with bad seeds

The investigation into the SolarWinds hack raises questions about the security of cloud computing systems. It turns out that software unrelated to SolarWinds was also compromised, including, ironically enough, security software Malwarebytes. The dependence of so many software developers on Microsoft's cloud software means that cracking Microsoft's code can create a skeleton key into multiple systems. 

The dependence of federal agencies on cloud computing makes this a national security issue, no matter who the bad actors may be. Private companies also need to monitor the issue closely. This includes auditing their software security firms on their own security.

“Malwarebytes relies on 100 software suppliers,” said Marcin Kleczynski, the security company’s chief executive. “How do I know that Zoom or Slack isn’t next and what do I do? Do we start building software in-house?”