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| 1 minute read

Rudy the Red-Nosed Inspector!

There were owners, contractors, subcontractors, and lenders
Plumbers, electricians, carpenters, and vendors
But then came the need to call
The most infamous inspector of all

Rudy the red-nosed inspector
Had a very bright red nose
Some say he hits the bottle
Most say it always showed

Rudy works code enforcement
Always claims he’s underpaid
Never gives his endorsement
Or at least that’s what they say

All whose work he inspected
Used to scoff and call him names
It had always been suspected
Rudy enjoyed causing shame

Then one snowy Christmas eve’
The owner was heard to say
Rudy if we do not get a CO tonight
My lender will foreclose my entire site

All were amazed when Rudy showed that night
The contractors and subcontractors were frightened
The owner and architect uptight
Holding their breath, all chests tightened

Then Rudy began inspecting – scouring to and fro
Giving no signs how his inspection would go
He looked up, he looked down, he looked all around
All the while wearing a constant frown

With his inspection done and finally complete
He approached the crowd, staring down at his sheet
And what did everyone's amazed eyes now see
A signed CO in the hands of Rudy

Then the entire crowd filled with glee
And all shouted out just as loud as can be
Merry Christmas to you, for the CO Rudy


construction, nix_jeff, dispute resolution, insights, corporate and business, contract disputes, investigations, real estate, real estate litigation, financial institutions, technology