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| 1 minute read

Telehealth and the EHR: Allies in Fraud Prevention

The expansion of telehealth, while offering undeniable benefits for access to care, necessitates a heightened focus on fraud prevention. Electronic Health Records (EHR) emerge as a powerful ally in this fight, acting as a centralized hub of patient information crucial for detecting and deterring fraudulent activity.

Here's how EHRs and telehealth platforms working together can strengthen your organization's fraud defenses:

Seamless Integration: Ensuring seamless integration between your telehealth platform and EHR system creates a unified patient record. This complete picture allows for efficient care delivery and, more importantly, helps identify potential duplicate billing for services rendered remotely. A well-integrated system would prevent this by flagging any inconsistencies between the telehealth platform data and the EHR.

Continuity of Care and Fraud Detection: Accurate and complete patient records within the EHR system are essential for both continuity of care and fraud detection. A comprehensive medical history within the EHR allows healthcare providers to assess the legitimacy of a telehealth consultation and ensure it aligns with the patient's ongoing care plan. Additionally, complete and accurate records can reveal inconsistencies that might suggest fraudulent activity. For instance, a sudden spike in telehealth consultations for a specific condition g.

Proactive Measures: Don't wait for fraud to occur. Healthcare organizations can leverage the power of EHRs by developing protocols for flagging discrepancies in telehealth billing data. This proactive approach allows for early identification of potential problems and swift intervention. Additionally, training staff on recognizing red flags within the EHR system further strengthens your defenses. By educating staff on common fraudulent activities associated with telehealth, you empower them to identify and report suspicious cases.

By harnessing the combined power of telehealth platforms and EHR systems, healthcare organizations can create a robust and efficient system for delivering care remotely while minimizing the risk of fraud. A proactive approach, coupled with well-integrated technology and well-trained staff, is key to safeguarding your telehealth program.


insights, health care, ruggio_michael