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Amanda Hyland Named to World Trademark Review Global Leaders 2024

ATLANTA (June 7, 2024) - Amanda Hyland, a partner at Taylor English in the firm’s Intellectual Property Practice, has been named a global trademark leader in the 2024 edition of the highly selective World Trademark Review’s (WTR) Global Leaders.

This list comprises the “best of the best in trademark practice” and recognizes leaders in the industry who innovate, inspire, and consistently go above and beyond for their clients. A full list of the WTR Global Leaders 2024 can be found here.

In addition to intellectual property, Hyland’s practice includes trademark and copyright enforcement and litigation, trademark clearance, and portfolio management. She also draws on more than a decade of experience handling media issues, including litigation and prepublication review relating to publishing, advertising, journalism, and social media, including privacy and defamation.

“It is an honor to be named on the Global Leaders list alongside such an innovative group of individuals in this industry,” says Hyland. She has previously been recognized in the WTR 1000. 

World Trademark Review is an organization committed to delivering worldwide news, analysis and data on the management of trademarks, keeping readers up to speed with the global issues and strategies that matter. Candidates for the WTR Global Leaders participated in an in-depth research process, including a set of interviews before being selected. More information on the WTR and its publication methodology can be found on their website.

For more information about Taylor English, visit



current events, news, ip litigation, ip trademark, ip patent, hyland_amanda