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Jake Baccari Appointed as Vice Chair of the Florida Bar's International Law Certification Committee

Partner Jake Baccari was appointed Vice Chair of the Florida Bar's International Law Certification Committee effective July 1, 2024. This is Jake's second time appointed to the committee and first time as Vice Chair.

The Florida Bar's International Law Certification Committee evaluates and certifies attorneys based on their experience, education, and knowledge in international legal matters. This involves reviewing applications, administering examinations, and ensuring certified lawyers meet high professional standards. The goal is to recognize and promote expertise in international law among Florida attorneys. 

Jake Baccari is in Taylor English's Litigation and Dispute Resolution department. He focuses his practice on litigation, regulatory matters, and multi-jurisdictional dispute resolution, with a particular focus on Asia. He represents clients in a wide range of industries, including aerospace, automotive, banking and finance, energy, hospitality, private equity, and private wealth.

Jake Baccari can be reached at 



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