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Navigating New State Laws in the Healthcare Industry

As we enter a new year, health providers and insurers must be prepared to navigate a variety of state laws that will go into effect this year. These laws cover a wide range of key issues, including reproductive care, patient documentation, wages, and reimbursement. In fact, at least 17 states have implemented new laws that impact the healthcare industry.

Let's take a closer look at some of the notable laws that have been or will be enacted:

Minimum Wage: In California, healthcare workers will see an increase in their minimum wage. Starting on June 1, the minimum wage will be $23 per hour, gradually increasing to $25 per hour by 2026. 

Mergers & Acquisitions: Illinois now requires healthcare facilities to notify the state attorney general within 30 days of a proposed merger. Failure to do so may result in a fine of $500 per day. Similarly, Minnesota aims to track healthcare facility mergers and acquisitions, requiring facilities with $10-$80 million in revenue to inform the state health department of such changes.

Health Information: Texas has implemented a new requirement for health insurers to provide a website where providers can verify patient insurance coverage. On the other hand, Virginia has introduced the Smart Check Network Program, which aims to enhance transparency by providing a statewide view of the treatment, payment, or operations relationship between providers and patients.

Medical Malpractice: Nevada has set a cap on monetary awards for plaintiffs in medical malpractice cases. The cap currently starts at $80,000 and will gradually increase to $750,000 by 2028. From 2029 onwards, the cap will increase by 2.1% per year.

Discharging Patients: Arizona now mandates more documentation when an assisted living facility discharges a patient to an emergency provider. 

Drug Prices: Several states are enacting laws addressing drug prices and reimbursements. In Connecticut, new requirements have been introduced for pharmacy benefit managers (PBMs) and their contracts with 340B-protected organizations.

These are just a few examples of the new state laws that healthcare providers and insurers need to be aware of. For a more comprehensive list, read Modern Healthcare's summary here.

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Health providers and insurers will have to navigate a bevy of state laws that took effect with the new year, covering key issues such as reproductive care, patient documentation, wages and reimbursement.


insights, mergers and acquisitions, health care, insurance, ruggio_michael, healthcare, legislation, compliance, newlaw, patientcare