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Andrew Vining Moderates Professionalism For New Attorneys Panel CLE Discussion

On October 26, 2023, Associate Andrew Vining moderated a panel of five attorneys as part of the Professionalism for New Attorneys CLE. The Professionalism for New Attorneys CLE is a state mandated CLE for all first-year attorneys in North Carolina. The panel engaged in an hour-long conversation between attorneys from a broad array of practice areas.

Leveraging his experience in his eight years of both transactional and litigation practice, Mr. Vining helped provide a comprehensive view of law practice in the current times. The panel went in depth on the topics of general legal practice, attorney wellness, and conflict resolution. In regard to general legal practice, the panel discussed decorum in and outside of the courtroom, managing both clients and opposing counsel, and proper use of social media. Additionally, the panel discussed how they strike work-life balance and included tips on how to manage the stress of practice. Finally, the panel discussed how to resolve conflicts both in and outside of one’s law firm. 

The panel finished with wishing the audience well, and Mr. Vining hopes that the experience the panel provided can help guide the new attorneys to successful careers in legal practice.  


vining_andrew, presentations