Everything is indeed bigger in Texas -- including, apparently, jury verdicts. A recent case that had elements of intimidation and stalking, as well as "revenge porn" (posting intimate photos/videos without the subject's permission, often in the context of a relationship breaking up), has produced a $1.2 BILLION dollar verdict against the defendant.
The verdict in the case rested on several different claims:
The suit alleged negligence per se, harmful access by computer, unlawful disclosure or promotion of intimate visual material, intentional infliction of emotion[al] distress, invasion of privacy by intrusion and publication of private facts, and gross negligence.
In this instance, the plaintiff had struck out both with law enforcement -- trying to have the defendant prosecuted criminally -- and with self-help efforts to keep taking down content as it was posted.
Why It Matters
This case isn't really connected to any commercial activity, but it serves as a good opportunity to remind business owners to be careful about what kinds of use employees can make of company email, servers, and other systems. You do not want to be inadvertently on the hook for any of their criminal or civil malfeasance.