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Another Benefit of Consistent Child Protection Policies

A story from Oklahoma reminds us of an often-forgotten benefit of having solid child protection policies. Police have charged a former foster parent with sexual abuse of several children. The man was an employee at his church and volunteered with several other youth organizations. Because of good records and solid child protection policies, those organizations are able to say that their policies protected the children in their care.

For example, the victims never attended the church, and the church is able to say it enforced its policy of never allowing children to be alone with adults. The other organizations are able to say either that he never volunteered with them or that he never worked with children.  

Youth-serving organizations are always under a microscope. Even when the claims involve actions outside our organization, we need to be able to reassure our clients that our policies protect their children and deter predators. To that end, we must have clear guidelines, consistent enforcement, and good records.

First Christian Church posted a statement saying the investigation doesn’t involve children from their church and while Fourcade is no longer an employee, the church continues to follow its practice of not allowing children alone with adults.


child protection policies, ausburn_deborah, youth services law