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Mandated Reporter Charges Dismissed

A judge has dismissed charges against the owner of a child care center in Connecticut. Law enforcement officers alleged that she failed to report suspected child abuse in her center. Connecticut requires caregivers to report when “they have reasonable cause to suspect or believe that a child under the age of 18 has been abused, neglected or is placed in imminent risk of serious harm.” It’s not clear from the news about the police report what grounds law enforcement had for charging the owner in the first place. What is clear is that she was not able to work in the field for the year that the charges were pending. Be sure that you know the law in your state and the standards for reporting.

In November, a judge dismissed a failure to report abuse or neglect by a mandated reporter charge against Ridhita Gupta, who owns Bright Beginnings Early Childhood Program in Westport.


ausburn_deborah, youth services law, mandated reporter, insights