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"Taylor English Targets Orlando For 2nd Fla. Office," Law360

In an interview published by Law360 on July 12, 2022, Catrina Markwalter discusses Taylor English's plans to establish a physical office space in Orlando, only the firm's second brick-and-mortar location outside of Atlanta. 

Markwalter, a member of the construction and litigation departments, will serve as mid-Florida managing partner and is charged with "rapidly" expanding the firm's presence in the mid-Florida market by increasing its number of attorneys in the area.

"At the beginning of the year, the firm made a commitment to begin opening small, boutique offices in markets across the country where we have client needs and opportunities and an existing footprint of lawyers operating remotely," Taylor English chair Marc Taylor said. 

"Orlando was selected as the next spot for a physical shop for Taylor English because of its location between Jacksonville and Tampa," said Markwalter. She added that the firm has decided that when it gets to "critical mass in a certain area, it's going to make sense to build out an office space there, a place for people to have meetings, do client development, a place for like a war room if you've got a big litigation case going on."

When it comes to adding attorneys to its mid-Florida presence, Markwalter said Taylor English is looking for practitioners in different areas, but with a particular focus on the construction, real estate, creditors' rights and general corporate realms.

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