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"SBA's Restaurant Fund Lost in Court. The Targeted EIDL Advance Grant Program could be Next.," Triad Business Journal

In an article published by the Triad Business Journal on June 16, 2021, Christina Moore discusses the Small Business Administration's recent court defeat over its ability to prioritize minority- and women-owned businesses in its $28.6 billion Restaurant Revitalization Fund.

The court decision, which has left many restaurant owners scrambling, could spill into its other Covid-19 relief initiatives — including its popular Targeted EIDL Advance grant program. Legal experts say the decision could have ripple effects for programs like the SBA's $25billion Targeted EIDL Advance grant program, which is only open to small-business owners in areas the SBA has designated as "low income."

"The unique circumstances of the past year have created an environment ripe for legal challenges," said Moore. She went on to explain that, "All these government agencies are doing things for the first time and are struggling to know how to implement or there is often a lack of guidance on implementing."

Subscribers can read the full article here


insights, covid-19, moore_christina