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“When Child Care Becomes a Burden in Big Law, Midsize Firms Have an Opportunity to Shine,” ALM’s Mid-Market Report

On June 18, 2020, in an article published by The Mid-Market Report, Christina Moore discusses how Taylor English has made a difference in her trajectory as a lawyer and parent.

Moore explains that at the firm, lawyers are compensated at an internal hourly rate for every hour billed, plus origination. “There’s no billable hour requirement. My internal rate I know [with] 100% certainty is set at the same as anyone with my skill level,” said Moore. “I know I’m paid equally.”

Moore works on a schedule that fits her family’s needs without worrying about how it might affect her compensation compared with colleagues who spend more time working. Moore’s advice to lawyers who want to be mothers is to “Know your worth, and don’t be afraid to ask to be valued the same way as your counterparts, male or female.”


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