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How Firms Can Be A One-Stop Shop For Construction Clients

On March 4, 2019, Natalie Mark was quoted in an article by Law360. This article discusses how construction industry stakeholders are moving towards "one-stop shopping" for their legal needs and how firms can be a one-stop shop for their clients. With this change comes a variety of issues including those involving technology, insurance and employment.

Natalie Mark is a partner in Taylor English's Construction practice group. Ms. Mark's practice focuses on Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO), fraud, antitrust, breach of contract, securities, internal investigations and other commercial litigation.

"A good attorney can figure it out. It's just going to take them a longer time than somebody who's already an expert in the field," she said. "On a question like this, you want the answer yesterday."


mark_natalie, insights, construction