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"So Say We All, or, Then Again, Maybe Not: The Same Juror Rule vs. the Any Majority Rule," Litigation Counsel of America

Partners Henry M. Quillian III and Natalie Mark will participated in the Litigation Counsel of America's 2019 Fall Conference and Celebration of Fellows on October 23-25, 2019. Their topic, "So Say We All, or, Then Again, Maybe Not: The Same Juror Rule vs. the Any Majority Rule," covered the applications of the same juror rule and the any majority rule including court case studies.

The conference is designed for Fellows of the Litigation Counsel of America to enhance their already superior trial skills, to address practical issues and topics challenging litigators in today’s changing legal environment, and to afford each individual the opportunity to hear from and interact with North America’s finest trial and appellate lawyers.


litigation, mark_natalie, quillian_henry, presentations