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Medical & Recreational Marijuana: Legal Issues, Operational Challenges and Regulatory Hurdles That Marijuana-Related Businesses Frequently Encounter

I published the sixth article in his Cannabis Business Executive series on December 23, 2020 discussing the various types of information that investors should understand and consider when trying to decide whether to invest in a cannabis start-up business.  

As a preliminary matter, anyone considering investing in a cannabis startup business should conduct detailed research and due diligence about the cannabis plant, including its potential uses and health benefits, and the cannabis industry as a whole, including an evaluation of federal and state-related legal and operational issues.

Cannabis investors should also spend time evaluating all aspects of the target company’s proposed operation. 

Cannabis investors should also spend time evaluating all aspects of the target company’s proposed operation. “In this regard, investors need to understand that there are different types of cannabis companies, including cannabis grow facilities, cannabis extraction facilities and cannabis dispensaries. The issues that these companies face will differ depending on the type of company it is,” said Snyder.


cannabis, snyder_reggie, insights