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Lifetime Achiever: Frank Strickland

On August 24, 2020, in an article published by the Daily Report, Frank Strickland shares his insights from his successful career in the legal field following his recognition as this year’s Lifetime Achievement recipient.

Strickland is arguably one of the lawyer-architects of the modern Georgia Republican Party. Strickland explains, Now might be considered the best and worst of times in election law. And I would call it “political law,” because of its much broader scope, including redistricting, voting rights and campaign finance.”

Throughout his expansive career, Strickland attributes his success to his mentors, including John Westmoreland, Anne Lewis and Steve Gottlieb. “The are other mentors who have helped me from a distance in various ways, such as the late Judges Marvin Shoob and Bill O’Kelley and also Randolph Thrower, all great role models for the bench and bar,” said Strickland. “I often refer to these distant mentors as “balcony people,” whose work inspires others.”

My strongest advice for practicing political law is simple. It’s the same for any practice area: Be a good lawyer.


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