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What Construction Attorneys Must Know About Virtual Reality

On February 1, 2019, Stephen Wright was quoted in an article by Law360. This article discusses virtual and augmented reality tools that are being used in the construction industry and how lawyers are needing to familiarize themselves with these new technologies. With the use of virtual and augmented reality, comes a need for important discussions attorneys are having about intellectual property and cybersecurity risks. According to Stephen Wright, "There are no standardized documents, nor any type of industry custom that's developed as to how these should be managed." 

Stephen Wright is a partner in Taylor English's Construction practice group. He has an extensive and successful track record in commercial litigation and arbitration, as well as in corporate and transactional matters.

"This is really like the Wild West," said Stephen L. Wright, a partner at Taylor English Duma LLP. "There are no standardized documents, nor any type of industry custom that's developed as to how these should be managed."


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