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Taylor English’s Michele Stumpe Awarded for Conservation Efforts

Taylor English Duma LLP is pleased to announce that partner Michele Stumpe was recently honored with an award presented by Dr. Jane Goodall during a gala celebrating the Ngamba Chimpanzee Sanctuary’s 20th Anniversary in Uganda, Africa.

The award ceremony recognized individuals who have contributed to Africa’s conservation efforts. Among the conservationists, donor communities and volunteers who attended was Uganda’s First Lady and Minister of Education, Janet Museveni.

The Ngamba Sanctuary was founded in 1998 out of a need to rescue Ugandan chimpanzees from illegal trade. Since its inception, the island sanctuary has grown from 18 to 49 chimpanzees with additional chimpanzee conservation projects throughout Uganda.

In addition to her work as a hospitality attorney and retail litigator at Taylor English, Stumpe has dedicated her time to shaping and improving the lives of Africa’s children, communities and wildlife. She regularly travels to Africa to work with underprivileged children and endangered wildlife through her non-profit, Children of Conservation (CofC). CofC currently provides educational funding for 200 children of wildlife sanctuary workers in five different African countries, has recently built a middle school serving another 190 children in Zambia, sponsors a school lunch program for 180 school children and is working on a new middle school and health clinic for the Myende conservation community in Uganda. Stumpe is also a board member of Ngamba Island Chimpanzee Sanctuary and the Pan African Sanctuaries Alliance.


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