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Taylor English’s Henry M. Quillian III Named President of The Foundation of the Federal Bar Association

Taylor English Duma LLP is pleased to announce that partner Henry M. Quillian III will serve as president for the Foundation of the Federal Bar Association effective October 1 for a 2019-year term. He was recognized by the Foundation at an event held at the New York Marriott Downtown on September 15.

The Foundation is the charitable arm of the Federal Bar Association. Its mission is to promote and support legal research and education, advance the science of jurisprudence, facilitate the administration of justice and foster improvements in the practice of Federal law. The Foundation also contributes funding for legal aid following tragedies such as natural disasters. Quillian, who previously served as Vice President of the Foundation, will further support the Foundation’s mission by leading the organization in raising, managing and disbursing funds per the Board’s mandates.

At Taylor English, Quillian litigates and solves commercial disputes in a wide variety of sectors including construction, intellectual property, insurance coverage, real estate and RICO. He has a depth of knowledge in the construction industry that he regularly uses to benefit contractors, owners and subcontractors. Additionally, he has experience litigating trademark, patent, trade secret misappropriation and personal injury product liability cases.

Representative of his work, he has been voted by peers as a Top 100 Georgia Super Lawyer for nine consecutive years and since 1997, has been selected as one of Georgia’s Legal Elite by Georgia Trend Magazine. From 2013 to 2018, he was selected for the "Best Lawyers in America." He is "AV" rated by Martindale-Hubbell®.

Quillian earned his bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering from Duke University and his law degree from the University of Georgia School of Law.


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